NCRTAC Position Statements

Through the work of the Definitive Care Committee, the NCRTAC has developed and endorsed position statements on a variety of trauma care issues.

Definitive Care

*** As of Oct 2022, the Definitive Care Committee has been dissolved and all activities of the committee will be transferred to the Performance Improvement Committee.

The care of injured patients requires a systematic approach to ensure optimal care.  As such, the NCRTAC Definitive Care Committee serves to facilitate cooperation between various levels of trauma centers within our region to achieve a system approach in the care of injured patients.
The committee drafted two position statements which were approved by the NCRTAC membership and will continue to meet as needed to work on other areas identified to help improve the process of moving trauma patients to definitive care.

The committee includes representation from:

  • Both level II trauma centers
  • Level III and IV trauma centers
  • Interfacility transport services

The committee welcomes feedback from the RTAC membership about any opportunities that may exist to facilitate further cooperation amount trauma system participants.