All meetings are 9:00 am - Noon unless otherwise noted.
2024 Meetings
DHS Offers Additional Hospital Trauma Course Funding
The DHS Trauma Program is offering additional funding to RTACs to support attendance at trauma courses for hospital staff. The NCRTAC has funding to pay the course registration fees for a limited number of seats in the following courses:
If you would be interested in attending any of these courses and applying for the DHS funding, contact your trauma coordinator and download the application HERE.
NCRTAC Offers a Catalog of Injury Prevention Products Available to Members
Looking for Injury Prevention displays or give-away products for your next open house, health fair or community event? Check out this catalog of items available from the NCRTAC. Please contact the RTAC Coordinator at to check out items.
WI Trauma Report: 2023 Year in Review
The purpose of this report is to inform key partners, including the Wisconsin public, on the trends of traumatic injury throughout Wisconsin. For more information on this report, or to request Wisconsin Trauma Registry data, contact the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Trauma Team. All data for this report is from Wisconsin’s Trauma Registry and meets the Trauma Registry Inclusion Criteria as found in the Wisconsin State Trauma Registry Data Dictionary. Only hospitals with trauma level classifications are required to submit data to Wisconsin’s Trauma Registry.
Please view the Wisconsin Trauma Report: 2023 Year in Review HERE.
2022 EMS and Falls in WI Report
The purpose of this report is to inform key partners, including the Wisconsin public, on the trends of falls seen by EMS throughout Wisconsin. Data in this report are from both the Wisconsin Ambulance Run Data System (WARDS) and the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). All EMS Services and Fire Services report into these systems. For questions related to the 2022 EMS and Falls in Wisconsin report, please reach out to
Please view the 2022 EMS and Falls in Wisconsin Report HERE.
NCRTAC Approves updated Bylaws
NCRTAC Approves updated Position Statement on the use of helicopters in EMS.
NCRTAC updates Radiology Position Statement
At the July 2022 general membership meeting, the NCRTAC voted to approve an updated version of the Position Statement on Radiologic Studies Before Transfer of Critically Injured Patients. The statement has also been endorsed by the trauma medical directors at each of the Level II Trauma Centers in the region.
The RTAC recently purchased individual hemorrhage control kits to give away with each class taught. We also have money available to offer modest stipends to instructors if they are not being paid by their employer or other sponsor. Contact for more details.