The NCRTAC Injury Prevention committee designed and purchased display items for display at safety fairs, health fairs, community events or in station and hospital lobbies. Contact NCRTAC Coordinator Michael Fraley ( to borrow the displays.
Some of the projects the committee's projects include:
The NCRTAC has given away 700 bike helmets to EMS and hospitals for distribution to kids around the region.
The Wausau Fire Department recently gave away 218 bike helmets supplied by the NCRTAC as part of their Brains on Bikes (BOB) program. BOB focused on elementary students who bike regularly to school. Wausau FD made a visit to Thomas Jefferson Elementary, Franklin Elementary, and GD Jones Elementary School’s bike rack at the end of the school day. At the bike rack students were rewarded with an apple if they wore a bike helmet. An apple was used because it is the leading source of quercetin which protects brain cells. Those who did not have a helmet were outfitted with a new one. Wausau FD also made visits to the Salvation Army’s Kid’s Program, Shelter, and Lunch program where additional helmets were provided to individuals of all ages.
The NCRTAC Injury Prevention Committee distributed a project to bring burn safety information to families via their Kindergarten students. This fire safety program includes the book “Brecker Bunny Learns to Be Careful: A Lesson in Fire and Burn Safety”. This book was written by Stevens Point author Hilary Bilbrey. This is the story of an adventurous little bunny that forgets the safety rules and finds himself with a bad burn. Follow his journey to safety.
After an inspiring presentation by Sue Nowak from Northcentral Health Care, the NCRTAC purchased six alcohol awareness presentation kits. The kits contain a variety of visual aids and information to give audiences a real appreciation for trends in alcohol abuse in our local communities. The Injury Prevention committee has set up the kits so that any NCRTAC member can check it out and present to a variety of audiences. Fact sheets and reference materials are included.
Kits are available for checkout fromAspirus Wausau Hospital, Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital and RTAC Coordinator Michael Fraley
Drowning has been identified as a significant risk for injury and loss of life for the citizens of the North Central region. The Injury Prevention Committee of the North Central Regional Trauma Advisory Council (NCRTAC) supported the placement of eight life jacket loaner stations at boat landings and swimming beaches in the region. The NCRTAC provided funding for and coordinated the construction of the stations and partnered with organizations that placed the loaner stations and committed to the ongoing maintenance.
The Injury Prevention Committee works to develop and distribute injury prevention projects to members within the region.
The committee is made up of EMS and hospital providers from around the region including the injury prevention specialists from our region's Level II Trauma Centers.
The State of Wisconsin Injury Prevention Program also provides a wealth of information and resources for anyone looking to develop a project. Extensive injury and mortality data is available through the Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH) database.
Vertical fall prevention banners available for facility lobbies or other display opportunities.
NCRTAC Injury Prevention Committee members have also collaborated with Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) in the region to support fall prevention training and awareness programs.
Not pictured: Grain bin safety demonstration model